Sunday, May 3, 2020

Heroclix LOCKDOWN Randomness

Rules vs logic

Okay, before I begin I have to say that this is all in jest.  Heroclix is an abstract game.  I am very happy with rules as they are.  This is just a bit of fun.

Also, I'm no Heroclix rules expert.  Leave that to the guys over at HCRealms if you have any questions.

Line of Fire

Here we have Lex Luthor and Joker teaming up against Batman, Robin and Commissioner Gordon.
On his current click Lex Luthor can only do 1 damage (ignoring Critical hits), but Batman has Toughness (obscured, sorry, I'm as bad at photos as I am at Heroclix) reducing damage by 1.  Lex Luthor has Outwit, which can counter a Power, but despite being adjacent, and able to make a Close Attack against Batrman, Lex Luthor does not have Line of Fire to Batman; the diagonal is blocked by Commissioner Gordon and Robin.  

So Lex Luthor can punch Batman, but can't see him?

Okay, Robin is gone and Batman has moved onto Hindering Terrain.
So thanks to the Batman Family Team Ability, Batman has Stealth.

STEALTH: When it is not your Turn hindered Lines of Fire to this character are blocked.

Ah, so neither Joker or Lex Luthor can target Batman.  They can't see him.  And that applies to Range Attacks and to Lex Luthors use of Outwit.  Yes, Batman can be tricky.

So now Lex Luthor has got away from Commissioner Gordon and moved Adjacent to Batman.  Lex Luthor can make a Close Attack, but because Batman is in Hindering Terrain, and has Stealth, Lex Luthor still does not have Line of Fire to him so still cannot use Outwit.  

So again, Lex Luther can attack Batman, even though he can't see him?

Right, Commissioner Gordon is back.  Not only is Commissioner Gordon in Hindering Terrain (not that it matters, he doesn't have Stealth) but Batman is between him and The Joker.  

In this example;
- Commissioner Gordon does NOT have Line of Fire to The Joker.
- Batman DOES have Line of Fire to The Joker
- The Joker does NOT have Line of Fire to Batman, because of Stealth he cannot see Batman.

Yet, even though The Joker cannot see Batman he cannot target Commissioner Gordon because Batman is blocking Line of Fire?

Adjacent characters and Elevated Terrain

Hawkman can fly.  He has Flight.  Yet despite that he cannot  attack the Suited Henchman from his current position.  He will have to move to the lower level, fortunately he has Flight and Sidestep to allow him to do that.

Riddle me this, who wears green and a bowler hat, and can and can climb up and down, just like that?

The Riddler has the Leap/Climb Power now.  So despite being on a higher elevation and having zero Range he can still make a Close attack against Commissioner Gordon, where the winged Hawkman couldn't.

Force Blast

Commissioner Gordon has Force Blast, meaning he can knock back a character.  If a character is knocked back off a higher elevation they will take 2 damage.

However, the Suited Henchmen has Charge, which means he can't be knocked back.

But Hawkman, despite having Flight can still be knocked back.  And if those steps were not there he would take falling damage.  Yes, a flying character can fall of the ledge?!

Okay that's all today.  
As I said, all in jest, I have no issues with the rules.  Tomorrow will have a bit of silliness about it.

Have fun, and take care.

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