Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Heroclix LOCKDOWN Randomness - Favourites

Heroclix LOCKDOWN Randomness


Well, I wouldn't play the game if I didn't like the figures.

What is slightly annoying, and embarrassing to some degree, is that a lot of my favourite figures are among the Super-Rare or Limited Edition category.  So sorry if I'm tempting you with difficult to get figures, these are my favourites without any relation to rarity.

Mr. Mxyzptlk

When the SUPERMAN/WONDER WOMAN set was released there was only one figure that was a MUST HAVE.  The Imp from the 5th Dimension, Mr. Mxyzptlk.  And his powers allowing him to swap dice makes him so fun, if not infuriating to play against.  I do believe I've won most of the games I've played using him.

The Super Pets

Ace the Bathound
Was always a want, even before he was produced.  Annoyingly he was a Tournament Prize figure, but I managed to trade for him (trade cash that is).

Krypto the Super Dog and Streaky the Cat (Supergirls pet cat)

Okay, not actually one of the Super-pets, mainly because he is a Red Lantern villain, but when I saw the figure I had to get him.  And that then led me to having to seek out the comics with him in too.

The Black Order
Thanos has been one of the most prominent on-screen villains of recent years.  
And quite right too, his appearance in the Avenger movies was fantastic.  But it's his lackey's that I enjoy bringing to the table.  Ebony Maw, Black Dwarf, Corvus Glaive, Proxima Midnight and Supergiant (who wasn't in the films)

Death's Head
Truth be told I'm a bigger fan of Death's Head II, but there is no figure of him yet.  One of the best characters tom come out of Marvel UK is the galaxy's best Freelance Peace-Keeping Agent (not a Bounty Hunter).  There are two versions of him (both the same sculpt); a Prize figure, and a Rare in the Invincible Iron Man set.

Okay, I'm a big fan of the Bat.  May favourite versions are the one from Arkham Asyum and the other is the one below, armoured Batman from the Batman v Superman movie set.

For those who don;t know her she has little to do with Deadpool.  Transported from the real world into comics, her 'power' is the fact she knows all the heroes and villains secret identities.  Gwenpool was again a much wanted figure, so it was frustrating when she was a top prize figure.  With only a couple available in the UK I was lucky that the winner was happy to part with her.

She's a vampire cow.  What's not to love.

Oni Hulk
And if Hellcow wasn't daft enough take a look at part of the Oni Hulk collection.  Based on the events in an issue of What If? and from the set of the same name.  The Oni Hulks came about when the the Gamma Bomb that created the Hulk was instead detonated over Japan.

One I forgot from yesterday...

Dune Buggy
Not a great piece, in a dull brown.  So I repainted a few.

And finally...

I have three different versions of the planet eating monster.  This one is from Chaos War set, and one of the largest Heroclix made.  I believe the largest is the earlier Galactus.

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