Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Heroclix Unlocked!

Finally the UK lockdown rules have been relaxed, I'm double vaxxed up and ready to roll some dice.

My laptop is pretty much dead, so I'm flip flopping back to the blog as I can't easily update the website, but please still check out www.ugavine.com

First Heroclix game in over year.

Had four teams;

- a Fantastic Four team without the main cast.  Instead I had the recent She-Hulk, Blackbeard, Black Panther, Adolf Impossible and fast forces Doctor Doom.  Actually won against a Trinity team from the new Wonder Woman 80th set.  New Superman is tough, but Batman is not that great.

- JLU Animated next with Amazo with Batman and The Question as support.  Lost against an Outwitting Doctor Doom, mystical being Amazos weakness.

- and no luck for my new Amazons team, though that was totally down to my traditional bad dice rolling.

- finally I threw in an old team of Captain America, Spider-Man and Hulk.  Went up against OP kit Dormammu, but was lucky enough for Hulk to get knocked onto his special Click 11.  And it was game over Dormammu.

Great day of Heroclix at Wayland's Forge.