Thursday, June 27, 2019

Okay, I've changed my opinion slightly about this set.  Still not a big fan, but I feel the disparity between rarities is not good for the game.  I like the Black Order, so their inclusion is a plus, as is Elders of the universe and a decent Hulk with a nice sculpt.  That's about it, the pre-release was terrible, two appalling and unplayable boosters.  I'm not a fan of Black Panther, and the Illuminati would have been good if Reed Richards was in the set.

As for playability, I don't like to include Super Rare & Chase.  A set needs to have playable figures in the more available Common, Uncommon and Rare slots.  Sadly, this set only has a couple of figures, A.I,M. and Voyager.  Sure, add in the SR & Chase and you have a nice set, but gamers are not all made of money.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Avengers, Black Panther and the Illumanti

This is the latest Heroclix set.   As a casual gamer I am pretty underwhelmed.  Having aired this view in a Heroclix group I know that I am in the minority, but that's how I feel.

It does seem that the pieces that shine in this set are the Super Rare and Chase figures.  But as a casual gamer I always see Super Rare and Chase as some thing extra, it's the Common, Uncommon and Rare pieces that make the game.  Therefore the set should have playable and fun Common, Uncommon and Rare pieces.

Different character appeal to different people.  This set only has a couple that hold any interest to myself, such as Proxima Midnight of Thanos's Black Order.  Voyager is useful, but not a character I know.  And we have been inundated with Elektra's in Heroclix, is that character really that popular?

So, you can see the two boosters I opened at the pre-release above.  I found it pretty uninspiring.  Not even an A.I.M trooper.  So that's it for me with this set.  

Bring on Star Trek TNG and WWE.

Stourbridge Wargames Club

Hulk, Spider-Man and Gwenpool

The Black Order